We are in the midst of a pandemic, social and economic crises, police killings and repression, and on the cusp of a major election. There is ample anxiety about where we are headed and where we may end up. There are an endless number of predictions, assessments, and variables to agonize over. But there is one constant that we can rely on to guide us through all circumstances: The power of our people. If we build it.
On the eve of the US presidential elections, we offer a path forward rooted in the grassroots organizing of working class immigrants. We're publishing a report on our Building Power and Safety through Solidarity campaign which we launched in response to the pandemic. Over the last 6 months, DRUM members and organizers have called over 12,000 community members to not only meet basic needs, but also to politically educate, agitate, and organize. Over 2,000 of those people have responded with a desire to continue organizing with DRUM.
The families forced to the streets in the middle of the pandemic, the bereaved relatives, the unemployed, the hungry, the brutalized, and the struggling masses are waiting to be organized together to build the power we need. As movements, we must shift to center their development, thinking, and skills to transform their anger and consciousness and abolish the systems that do not serve us. We must build the world that we need and deserve, rooted in interdependent and mutually beneficial relationships with one another.
This report offers for consideration the results, reflections, and lessons of our efforts through the campaign. We hope it offers our movements a path forward based on the necessity of building power, not on the shaky foundation of the uncertainties of the present.

On the eve of #ElectionDay so much can happen amidst the ongoing crises. But there is one constant we can rely on to guide us: The power of our people. If we build it. Ground yourself in #workingclasspower and check out our report on our PaSS campaign: http://bit.ly/PowerSafetySolidarity
The report offers a path forward rooted in the grassroots organizing of working class immigrants. Our members and organizers called over 12k community members to meet basic needs AND politically educate, agitate, and organize. Farhana, a DRUM member, says it best:
This campaign took place as our loved ones died in overwhelmed public hospitals from #COVID. Amidst the death and despair, we organized. The report offers a path forward based on the necessity of building power, not on the shaky foundation of the uncertainties of the present
Crises transform society. But first we need to transform as a people. The uncertainty of our present is an opening to bring more people into our movements so we can fight for the world we need and deserve, rooted in our interdependent relationships and abolitionist principles
The families forced to the streets in the middle of the pandemic, the bereaved relatives, the unemployed, the hungry, the brutalized, and the struggling masses are waiting to be organized together to build the power we need. The power of our people is our only constant.