Globalization, Empire, and Resistance: From South Asia to Desi Migrants in the US

DRUM- Desis Rising Up & Moving
SASI – South Asian Solidarity Initiative

Globalization, Empire, and Resistance: From South Asia to Desi Migrants in the US

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Join us for an evening of discussion linking movements in South Asia to radical activism and organizing here in the US, including those of South Asian migrants.

Farhad Mazhar is a renowned organizer for worker and peasant struggles in Bangladesh, as well as a writer, poet, social and human rights activist, and environmentalist. Mr. Mazhar is the Managing Director of UBINIG, Bangladesh (the acronym stands for Research on Alternatives to Development in Bengali), which created one of the biggest community seed banks in the world and is a leading player in South Asian bio-diverse and ecological agriculture movements. Started in 1984, UBINIG critically looks at development issues from class and gender perspectives through environmental activism, by changing unjust trade and development policies imposed on Bangladesh, waging workers rights campaigns, and establishing Narigrantha Prabartana – Dhaka’s feminist bookstore and organizing center for women-empowerment projects. The organization’s backbone is the network of ‘Gram Karmis’ (Rural Organizers) across the country building farm-worker and peasant leadership.

Along with grassroots organizing, Mazhar has pioneered a new strand of cultural activism, such as the Nabapran project focusing on the music of the wandering Bauls. The project is rebuilding the rich indigenous traditions of social change movements of the poor and for communal (cross religious and ethnic) harmony.

The event will also feature a speaker each from SASI (South Asian Solidarity Initiative), and from DRUM (Desis Rising Up & Moving)

Monday, November 2, 1012 – 7:00-8:30pm

DRUM – Desis Rising Up & Moving
72-18 Roosevelt Avenue, 2nd Floor
Jackson Heights, NY 11372

Please RSVP your name to or 718-205-3036